Population: 9.27 million1
Rural access to basic water services: 70%2
Rural access to basic sanitation services: 76%3
everyone forever
districts: 3

Water For People in Honduras
Honduras is a Central American country comprised of mountains and coastal plains. Over 60% of the country’s population live on less than $3.20 per day, and in the rural areas where Water For People works, one in five people lives on less than $1.90 each day.⁴
Water For People began working in Honduras in 1997, and in 2007 we narrowed our focus to prioritize three districts.
Helping Hondurans bring water, sanitation, and hygiene to their communities

Water For People constructs water supply systems in three districts in Honduras, and we conduct trainings on topics like tariff collection, water quality and treatment, protection of watersheds, and system maintenance and monitoring. For the past few years, we worked with the Inter-American Development Bank to develop solutions for families living in particularly rural and dispersed parts of these districts. To make sure water services are sustainable, Water For People supports district water and sanitation offices and community water committees who are responsible for managing and operating water systems.

For families to invest in better bathrooms, materials and financing need to be available. Water For People ensures products like toilets are locally available for families who are improving their bathrooms. We also support local microfinance institutions who offer loans for sanitation improvement, and we train masons to construct bathrooms.

To make sure water and sanitation services are sustainable at schools, we engage with schools as part of the wider community. Local leaders help invest in handwashing stations and new toilets in schools, and community-wide education ensures that hygiene habits learned at school are reinforced at home.