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Fecha: Thursday and Friday, July 18-19, 2024

Tiempo: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, más eventos nocturnos

Ubicación: Water For People Office (7100 E. Belleview Ave, Greenwood Village, CO 80111)

Fecha limite de registro: Monday, July 1, 2024

El Taller incluye sesiones de varios departamentos de Water For People, incluido el Equipo de Liderazgo Global, Programas Globales e Impacto de los Donantes, además de sesiones colaborativas de Comités y Donaciones en el lugar de trabajo.

The Champion Workshop will be hosted in-person at the Water For People office in Greenwood Village, Colo. The in-person Workshop increases collaboration, networking, and friendships. We are aware that not everyone can attend in person, so throughout the year, during individual Committee and Workplace Giving webinars, we'll dive into some of the topics that could be part of the Workshop.

También reconocemos que las cosas pueden cambiar y consideraremos opciones virtuales si las condiciones lo justifican.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Julie Kauffman (Empleado que da) o jessica carner (Comités).


Please do not book any travel until you have received confirmation from Julie or Jessica regarding your attendance at the Workshop. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis.

With your confirmation, we'll provide a recommended hotel, but you do not have to use it. For travel planning purposes, we recommend arriving Wednesday, July 17 at the Workshop begins early Thursday morning. We also recommend leaving Saturday, July 20. The Workshop will concluded around 5 PM on Friday, and be followed by a social event. We also will host an optional hike Saturday morning, to see a little more of the Front Range of Colorado.

The Workshop is free to attend, but attendees (or their company or Committee) are responsible for travel and lodging.