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Nuestro Liderazgo

Water For People?s work equipping communities around the world with lasting access to water and sanitation services requires deep-rooted collaboration on the ground, with business and nonprofit partners, and at all levels of government.

Collaborations are embedded in everything we do ? even our organizational leadership.

During his time in the Peace Corps, Mark worked with community members in Honduras on water issues.
Durante su tiempo en el Cuerpo de Paz, Mark trabajó con miembros de la comunidad en Honduras en temas de agua.
Cate Nimanya, Africa Regional Director, speaks at a new program area launch in Gisagara, Rwanda.
Cate Nimanya, Africa Regional Director, speaks at a new program area launch in Gisagara, Rwanda.

CEO Mark Duey?s hands-on experience living in Honduras and working on sustainable WASH access now informs his global perspective on leading teams across nine countries. Mark leads alongside the Global Leadership Team, with seven team members representing the regions where Water For People works.

From civil engineering, economics, environmental policy, finance, law, market systems development, community service, and private and public sector development, the Global Leadership Team brings extensive experience and knowledge to their strategic decision-making.

Together, we are pursuing climate resilient sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene services for everyone alongside governments, entrepreneurs, teachers, community leaders, and strategic partners.

Ultimately, we hope to inspire the collaboration that?s needed around the world to close the gap for the over 2 billion people who still lack water by 2030.

sus palabras

Financiamiento para Agua, Saneamiento e Higiene resiliente al clima

En abril, el líder de Water For People, Mark Duey, tendrá la oportunidad de representar a la sociedad civil en la reunión de Ministros de Finanzas de América Latina y el Caribe. Reunión ? una oportunidad incomparable para colocar el agua, el saneamiento, la higiene y la resiliencia climática en el centro de las discusiones con importantes tomadores de decisiones gubernamentales.

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Tomando una visión a largo plazo: asociarse con los gobiernos para generar cambios

Debido a que el plan de Water For People es eventualmente salir de los países en los que estamos trabajando, asociarnos con los gobiernos y fortalecer los sistemas nacionales es un requisito necesario para nuestro trabajo.

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