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Help End A Woman's Daily Struggle for Water

Millions of women and girls around the world spend hours every single day walking to collect water for their families.

Anita, a mother of two from a rural mountain community in Peru, used to walk two hours every morning to the river to fetch water. With your support, Water For People is changing this reality.

Help End A Woman's Daily Struggle for Water

Millions of women and girls around the world spend hours every single day walking to collect water for their families.

Anita, a mother of two from a rural mountain community in Peru, used to walk two hours every morning to the river to fetch water. With your support, Water For People is changing this reality.

"We walked two hours every morning to the river to wash clothes and bring water so our families could drink," Anita remembers.

Women in her town would climb hills, cross narrow bridges, and hike down to the base of mountains daily. And as girls in the town grew older, they too shouldered the burden of collecting water.

As a mother of two daughters, Anita knew the toll this task would have on them.

Your donation can help more rural communities like Anita's gain access to water and end the daily struggle for women and girls. Right now, generous partners are matching all gifts, up to $40,000, meaning your donation can have an even greater impact.

These are the partners generously matching your donations: