Where We Work
Water For People partners with local organizations, governments, businesses, and citizens, providing the support they need to bring water and sanitation systems to their own towns, cities, and countries.
Use the map below to explore the countries where we work.
Where does Water For People work?
Water For People works internationally in nine countries:
Asia: India
Our employees are local in each country and know the culture and language of the communities we serve.
Based on special grants and funding, we have worked in more than 40 other countries since we were founded but learned that a targeted approach is more effective. We have utilized this targeted, Everyone Forever approach since 2011.
Working in the United States
There are more than 2 million people in the United States without running water or a flush toilet. We believe this is completely unacceptable. Water For People launched a United States-focused water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiative to bring our expertise and experience to the table as we engage with other organizations to build a collaborative WASH sector in the United States.
Nyeko and Nabusindo, Water For People team members, talk together in Luuka District, Uganda.
How does Water For People choose where to work?
Water For People performs a special data collection and analysis of any new areas where we are considering working. At this time, there are no new countries being considered, but we are actively starting work in new districts in the countries where we already work.
When new areas are considered, the first factor we need to see is a clear need for improved water supply and/or sanitation. We also consider community motivation, costs, the availability of a trustworthy NGO partner, the support of the government, and a safe environment. To ensure system sustainability, Water For People requires a commitment from the communities that will benefit from improved water services.
Water For People’s country teams carefully target specific regions that we call districts (which are county-sized) within their countries where work will be focused. The goal is to bring 100% coverage in water and sanitation within each district – Everyone Forever – and then replicate this model in new districts.
Learn more from former Co-CEO, Samson Hailu Bekele, about the criteria for selecting Tanzania as Water For People's newest country in which to work: "From 51 to 1: Criteria for expanding into a new country."
The Water Crisis
Learn more about the global water, sanitation, and hygiene crisis.