We understand the significance of choosing where to donate, and we know you need to trust that your gift is being put to the best possible use. Our Impact Reports, charity navigator ratings, and financial statements embody our value of integrity: we act honestly and transparently to inspire trust.
Highest Charity Navigator Rating
Highest Possible Charity Rating For 20 Years
Water For People has earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for 20 years. This distinction places our organization in the top 1% of all charities.
We’re proud that our commitment to transparency and responsibility has earned us this designation, as well as the Gold Seal of Transparency from Candid.
Impact Report
See exactly how your support impacts people's lives worldwide through lasting water access, dignified bathrooms, and the tools to ensure these services will last for generations to come.
THIS is How We Multiply Your Impact
Every dollar you give to Water For People multiplies. Our strategic partners such as communities, local governments, and local businesses also invest. In addition, the health and economic benefits of investing in clean water provide a seven-fold return, helping your $50 investment multiply to over $500!