Water For People + AWWA = GLOBAL IMPACT
The idea behind Water For People began in the early 1980s, with three people who wanted to use their expertise to build a better world. Ken Miller, Wayne Weiss, and John B. "Jack" Mannion had spent their entire careers working in water and wastewater, and they each believed it was possible for everyone in the world to have access to safe water and sanitation services. This was no pipe dream – this was real conviction supported by decades of experience. In 1991, these three men came together through the American Water Works Association (AWWA) to create Water For People, an international nonprofit based in Denver, Colorado. Using their networks, knowledge, and experience, they began to build a program that would bring lasting solutions to the world’s water crisis.
Today, Water For People continues to rely on strong ties to professionals in the water industry. Our partnership with AWWA lives on, ensuring the solutions we provide are grounded in the expertise of water experts from around the world.
Water For People is an international nonprofit with the goal of bringing water, sanitation, and hygiene services to everyone, and to make sure those solutions last forever. We are working toward this ambitious goal by partnering with local community members, businesses, and governments, helping them bring sustainable water and sanitation systems to their communities. Then we ensure they have the training and tools they need to maintain those systems for generations.

Over 50 local Committees across the US and Canada support Water For People’s work through community outreach, advocacy, and fundraising. Volunteering in your local AWWA Section's Water For People Committee provides a space to work alongside like-minded individuals to help end the global water crisis.
Start A Fundraiser
You can help us bring lasting change to people all over the world with a donation, and you can magnify that impact even more by creating a fundraiser. Let’s create a world where everyone has water and sanitation solutions – forever.
Give at Work
Multiply your impact by getting your workplace involved. Ask if your employer matches your charitable contributions, or work with your company to set up a fundraiser at your next event or company meeting.